Once again I've been slacking on the blog. We had our second annual Swing from the Heart tournament a couple of weeks ago. We had a great turn out! I will post along with pictures about it another day.
Right now, I have a lot on my mind.
Since the spring Gavin has had some swelling issues that have prompted some tests to be done. Gavin has had an echo, EKG and CT scan within the last month. The CT revealed a blood clot was still present (one that we knew had been there for awhile). The cardiologist decided to have a Doppler scan ordered. We went to the city this past Thursday for the scan. We learned that Gavin not only has one clot, but several clots. The most alarming issue is that one of his major veins does not compress as it should. This will require Gavin to have a heart cath. The goal is to try and break up the clots and to balloon or stint the vein. If the cath is unsuccessful, Gavin will require surgery. Not the news we wanted to hear. It was weird because Gavin was more tense than usual before his appointment. He turned to me and asked if he "has to have heart surgery again?" It was strange, not knowing what news the day would bring.
From the day we found out about Gavin's heart condition, we knew this would be our life. A lot of ups, a lot of downs. We knew we would ride a roller coaster of emotions. But for some reason, I took this news hard. I've spent a lot of the weekend hiding in my closet, crying. I haven't slept and spent a lot of time in prayer and in the word. A lot of things have been happening in our immediate and extended family that really get me thinking. Life is hard. Life is fragile.
The Lord doesn't promise us that life will be easy. But He does promise us something amazing. Eternal life. My hope rests in Him. My favorite verse, my verse for Gavin. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)
Will you join us in prayer? Thank you friends.