It's just become one crazy scenario after another around here. Lets back up to about 2 weeks ago. We thought Gavin's pupil situation was getting better then it came back. It has been more episodic than constant. Gavin's eye started swelling and he developed a rash like redness from under his eye all the way down to his chin line. He cried and rubbed his eye most of the day. He kept saying it hurt. The entire situation progressed after we went to the neighborhood splash pad. He thought he got something in his eye. That evening I decided to take him to urgent care so he could get some relief. We got to see our favorite NP Jill. She took great care of Gavin!! After consulting neuro & ophthalmologist it was determined that he had contact dermatitis. Steroids, Benadryl and hydrocortisone did the trick and it looked better with each day! (We go to ophthalmologist this Friday for follow up)
Now lets move on to last week. Gavin came home from school, a little cranky and tired. That night we get to a restaurant and right before walking in he pukes everywhere. He seemed to be fine the next day but I decided to keep him home to be on the safe side. Thursday he was great so I sent him to school on Friday. That weekend my mom and I took the boys to Texas to visit family and take them to GWL for the day. We drove home Sunday and all was well. Until Sunday, middle of the night. Gavin woke up vomiting everywhere. I had taken Benadryl because I was dealing with nasal/allergy issues. It really knocked me out which scares me now because I don't remember much of the night. Thankfully Adam was home and got him showered and cleaned up. Gavin went back to bed. I got him up the next morning to shower and see how he was feeling. He got in the shower and vomited again. I was starting to think he had a virus. We took him back to our favorite urgent care and spent a couple hours there getting him to drink fluids to stay hydrated. We get home and our home health nurse came over to draw his usual INR labs. We started collaborating with cardio, home health and the urgent care. We started to wonder if it was drug toxicity from his Coumadin. We were worried his INR levels were high. At that point he became more lethargic and not interested in drinking.
My pale boy :(
After further discussion Gavin was admitted for IV fluids yesterday. He continued to have diarrhea but perked up after fluids. Thankfully, all labs came back normal and same with stool samples. So he came home this afternoon. He drank some Gatorade and slept for 4 hours!
Tonight he's back at it again. Diarrhea full force, but at least he's drinking and not so lethargic. Put in another call to cardio to make sure we were doing everything right. We will just keep a close eye on him for the coming days.
Well of course we couldn't leave Brody out of this story! He joined in about 2:30 this morning with several vomiting episodes. I came home from the hospital to care for him while Adam cared for Gavin. Well after his last throw up session he perked up and started running laps around the house. He was eating and drinking and acting normal until this:
Yes, that's staph infection! Just what we wanted to end this glorious day. Thankfully the dr didn't think it was contagious. But need to stay in for 24hours. We started oral meds, so we're ready for them to kick in! Hoping we're just getting all our sickness out at one time.
Back to sterilizing and laundry I go... Hoping tomorrow is not as eventful as today. In fact I hope it's boring, very boring.