The cardiologist met with the family to let them know the status of your condition. At this point you were on a CPAP machine. You were starting to struggle to breathe, which the doctors had prepared us. By that night you were on a ventilator, your sick body needed the rest. The first good look I got of you brought me to tears. You were hooked up to so many machines. Your tiny hands and feet were already bruising from the pokes and prods and IV's. Every time I heard a beep I would freeze and look at the monitors, trying to figure out what it was... Making sure your vitals were still stable. Your daddy and I loved to be a part of every step. We wanted to take your temperature every 4 hours, change every diaper, comb your hair, give you a sponge bath, we wanted to feel a part of the process. I mean we were your parents after all. I think that was the hardest part, seeing the nurses do most of the care taking. I kept thinking they're bonding with him, I hope he feels a bond with me. But you know what those women & men were a part of saving your life. Some of them are like family and I love the bond you have with them today.
We thank God everyday for them!

Now here we are ten years later and you've beaten the odds, not just once, but multiple times. When we found out about your heart condition, we weren't given much hope. We were told you wouldn't see your first birthday, and if you did, you would have so much stacked against you. Son, you proved them wrong. You've met so many milestones along the way. You've crawled, you've laughed, you've walked, you've cried, you became a big brother, you went off to school, you have made many friends, you have played baseball and helped coach an undefeated football team. You have used your condition to help others, you're an advocate for others like you. You make us proud, EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
Your little body has endured so much. Your precious heart may be sick and may cause you many problems, but from the outside we all see a heart of gold. A heart that loves to no end, a heart that encourages, a heart that cares. A heart that loves Jesus.
You are brave, you are bold, you are strong, you are empathetic, you are joyful, but most of all you are forever my little baby with the ten little fingers, ten little toes, thick black hair and the cutest little nose.