So many of you text or called yesterday to see how Gavins appointment went, thank you for that! I am just getting around to making a post because our sweet OKC friends who are more like family, surprised us last night with a "Welcome home Gavin, Happy Birthday Faith party!" I am sad I didn't get a picture of the group but we were just having to much fun! They are an incredible group of people that have gone ABOVE and beyond to help ease the burdens. Thank you friends for a wonderful night!!

Yesterday Gavin had his post procedure appointment at OU Childrens. We had a nice talk with Dr. O about what to expect. He felt good that Gavin was feeling so great after his procedure. We talked about how bad the pressures were in Gavins heart and the unusual situation he had going on. We ended up having conversations with the other cardiologists and the PA. They were all amazed with what Gavin has been going through. He's really made the medical books with his heart. Gavin had an echo and it showed there was still a little bit of flow into the ventricle. Our hope is that the area continues to clot off (with the coils) and Gavin will not need any more coils placed.

As far as activity level goes, Gavin gets to participate in light recess, but hold off on PE for now. Gavin has PE and recess everyday so we need to limit his excerise. The BIG question for Gavin was "do I get to play baseball?!" Well we don't know yet. Sign ups are next week so we will definitely get him signed up just in case. We have to come back in a couple of weeks to do another treadmill/stress test and get a 24 hour holter monitor. Gavin has to pass those tests for the doctors to allow him to play baseball. It's hard explaining to a little boy that it's ok to take a year off and get better so you can play next year. It's truly devastating to him to think he may not get to play. I think that is our biggest obstacle right now. Gavin wanting to feel like "a normal boy." He had a rough night the other night, got emotional about his future in sports. But we try to remind him what is most important is his character, especially who he is in Christ. Some of favorite qualities about Gavin are his determination and competitive spirit. Those two qualities help him to be a fighter when things are tough. But they also back fire and get him down when he thinks he won't be able to achieve a goal. Pray for him as we go through the next couple of weeks, and all the unknowns for him. Pray for his peace, whatever the outcome.
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