Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Gavin starts Kindergarten

It was a rough start for Gavin once he started school. He was still dealing with the emotional roller coaster he was riding from his pacemaker surgery in April. He would be up then down. He was having major separation anxiety. He would cry if he had to be away from us. Of course that worsened once school started in August. It was getting so bad that the teacher on car rider duty had to pry his fingers off the back of my seat. It broke my heart to watch him kick and scream all the way into the building. It took everything for me to not run after him and keep him home with me forever.

It came to a point where we had to put Gavin in therapy and start medication. He was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Of course, with every thing he's been through in his short little life. Treatment for his disorder helped him tremendously. He's moved on to a great year in kindergarten!