Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Stress Test

Gavin had his stress test in OKC today. They called us this morning and asked if we could make it this afternoon, so we did! 

Gavin lasted TWELVE minutes without passing out. He did awesome!! He walked in and said he was feeling "confident." I just love his attitude!! There were no major changes on his EKG. However, everyone is still super cautious and on edge about Gavins heart. We don't know for certain if Gavin is having drops in blood pressure or episodic times where more blood is pooling into that ventricle with the coils. So we're all still scratching our heads on what is going on.

We discussed implanting a device in Gavins chest wall that would record what his heart is doing when he passes out. But we're leaning towards waiting on that, to see if he passes out again. There is also another device we're looking into purchasing that we can manually record an EKG if Gavin were to pass out. 

The Kansas City doctors looked at the films and seem to agree that the cath right after the coils were placed and the cath 2 weeks ago look similar. Yes there's still blood getting into the ventricle, but not 100% sure that's why he passed out. The echo looked worse but sometimes an echo can look worse but a cath looks the same. So we're going with the comparing of the two caths!

Everyone is agreeable that Gavin should still limit his daily activities. Only do what he feels comfortable doing. Don't want to push him. And we've learned that depending on the day depends on how he feels. Yesterday he was super tired, pale and in bed by 7, today he's more energetic! He loves to keep us on our toes!!

Feeling thankful no one is saying Gavin needs to rush to surgery right now. But at the same time we are still on edge. I should also know by now, this is our life with a CHD child. I know all my fellow CHD parents can agree on that! 

Thank you to everyone that has continued to pray for Gavin. Seriously, your prayers, support and our hope in Christ is the only things that get us through these hiccups.